I was given this puzzle during one of my interviews
There are 16 red, 14 green and 12 blue chamelions living on an island,
every time two chamelions of the same color meet they will both change to the other color.
nothing happens when two chamelions of the same color meet.
every meeting of chamelions only involve two chamelions
Eg: the meeting of 1 red and 1 blue chamelion will result in the both of them changing to green
Name a series of chamelion meet ups that will result in all the chamelions being of the same color, and if there exists no such series, prove it.
The solution:
There does not exits such a series
The proof is induced backwards starting from the ideal state where all chamelions are of the same color.
All chamelions are of the same color implies that two of the three colors have zero chamelions.
Since for each meet up two colors are decremented by one (-1) and the other color is incremented by (+2).
These operations of -1,-1,+2 implies that in order to achieve two colors having 0 chamelions at some point prior these two colors are of the same equal positive number.
R = 1, G=40, B=1
The paired difference between any two colors of chamelions are (R,G) = 2, (R,B) = 4, (G,B) = 2
Looking closely at the operation -1,-1,+2 regardless of how they are assigned to the colors will only alter these paired differences by -3,0,+3.
-1,-1 will result in no change in difference; 0
-1,+2 will result in a change of difference; +-3
Therefore the paired difference of 2,4,2 can never be reduced to 0 by the any number of operations that alter their paired differences by -3,0,+3.
This also implies that there does not exists a series of operations that will result in two colors having the same positive number (difference = 0) and therefore never result in all camelions being of the same color.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
chamelions of the same color
find osama hiding in a cave
I read this puzzle a while back but was unable to solve it.
I have recently been going on a string of interviews and chanced upon the same puzzle again.
This time I sat down with a pen and paper, this is what I've got.
The Puzzle:
Osama is hiding in a series of interconnected caves, there are 15 of them in all numbered
Every day you are allowed to go into any one cave of your choosing and find osama. If you do not find him, you may only try again the following day.
Every night osama will move either to the right or to the left of the current cave he is in, but if he were in cave 1 or cave 15 he may only move 1 cave towards the center.
Eg: 4 -> 5 or 4 -> 3
15 -> 14
1 -> 2
Name a series of cave visits that will definitely find osama or if there exists no such series prove it.
This puzzle is challenging and you should try it before proceeding down to the solution.
Suppose we reduce the problems down to 1 cave, the obvious solution is 1
2 cave
the solution would be 1,1
3 cave
the solution would be 2,2
4 cave
the solution would be 2,3,3,2
5 caves, this is where it became too challenging to do it mentally,
the solution required a pen and paper and some efficient form of representation
By the way the solution is 2,3,4,2,3,4
you might want to verify this solution and arrive at your own form of representation.
This is my representation:
what about the solution for 15 caves? Why don't you do it and tell me.
How about writing a generic algorithm for n caves?
I have recently been going on a string of interviews and chanced upon the same puzzle again.
This time I sat down with a pen and paper, this is what I've got.
The Puzzle:
Osama is hiding in a series of interconnected caves, there are 15 of them in all numbered
Every day you are allowed to go into any one cave of your choosing and find osama. If you do not find him, you may only try again the following day.
Every night osama will move either to the right or to the left of the current cave he is in, but if he were in cave 1 or cave 15 he may only move 1 cave towards the center.
Eg: 4 -> 5 or 4 -> 3
15 -> 14
1 -> 2
Name a series of cave visits that will definitely find osama or if there exists no such series prove it.
This puzzle is challenging and you should try it before proceeding down to the solution.
Suppose we reduce the problems down to 1 cave, the obvious solution is 1
2 cave
the solution would be 1,1
3 cave
the solution would be 2,2
4 cave
the solution would be 2,3,3,2
5 caves, this is where it became too challenging to do it mentally,
the solution required a pen and paper and some efficient form of representation
By the way the solution is 2,3,4,2,3,4
you might want to verify this solution and arrive at your own form of representation.
This is my representation:
Day | Possible locations of osama | Our choice of cave | Possible locations of osama after visit |
1 | 1,2,3,4,5 | 2 | 1,3,4,5 |
2 | 2,3,4,5 | 3 | 2,4,5 |
4 | 1,3,4,5 | 4 | 1,3,5 |
5 | 2,4 | 2 | 4 |
6 | 3,5 | 3 | 5 |
7 | 4 | 4 | FOUND |
what about the solution for 15 caves? Why don't you do it and tell me.
How about writing a generic algorithm for n caves?
Monday, March 14, 2011
primitive banking account system in C++
For object oriented programming 2, our second assignment was to build a primitive banking account system that allows withdrawal and deposits. I did the serialization and un-serialization part for extra credit.
The code with its multitude of classes can be found here.
Black scholes calculator in C++
For object oriented programming 2, our first assignment was to build a black scholes calculator in C++.
The code here:
/************ chee tji hun OOP2 Assignment 1***********/
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Option{
/**** constructors ****/
Option(const string &name, double price, double strike, double rfRate,double stdev,double timeToMat);
/**** Methods ****/
double getCallPrice() const;//calculates the call price
double getPutPrice() const;//calculates the put price
static double erf(double zIn);//calculates the error function
string printStatement() const; //prints the data of the option, as well as the call/put price
/**** Getter/setters ****/
double getPrice() const;
double getRfRate() const;
double getStrike() const;
double getTimeToMat() const;
string getName() const;
double getStdev() const;
void setPrice(double price);
void setRfRate(double rfRate);
void setStrike(double strike);
void setTimeToMat(double timeToMat);
void setName(string name);
void setStdev(double stdev);
string name; //name of underlying asset
double price; //price of the underlying asset
double rfRate; //risk free rate in ratio, 1 = 100%
double timeToMat; //time to maturity in terms of years
double stdev; //standard deviation of price of underlying asset
double strike; //strike price of the option
Option::Option(const string &name= "unnamed", double price=0.0, double strike=0.0, double rfRate=0.0,double stdev=0.0,double timeToMat=0.0){
double Option::getPrice() const
return price;
double Option::getRfRate() const
return rfRate;
double Option::getStrike() const
return strike;
double Option::getTimeToMat() const
return timeToMat;
string Option::getName() const
return name;
double Option::getStdev() const
return stdev;
void Option::setPrice(double price)
this->price = price;
void Option::setRfRate(double rfRate)
this->rfRate = rfRate;
void Option::setStrike(double strike)
this->strike = strike;
void Option::setTimeToMat(double timeToMat)
this->timeToMat = timeToMat;
void Option::setName(string name)
this->name = name;
string Option::printStatement() const
stringstream ss (stringstream::in | stringstream::out);
ss<<this->name<<" "<<this->price<<" "<<this->strike<<" "<<this->rfRate<<" "<<this->stdev<<" "<<this->timeToMat;
return ss.str();
void Option::setStdev(double stdev)
this->stdev = stdev;
//returns put price of the option
double Option::getPutPrice() const {
double callPrice = getCallPrice(); //set call price here
return strike*pow(M_E, -rfRate*timeToMat)-price+callPrice;
//returns call price of the option
double Option::getCallPrice() const{
double d1=log(price/strike)+(rfRate+0.5*pow(stdev,2.0)*timeToMat)/(stdev/sqrt(timeToMat));
double d2=d1-stdev*sqrt(timeToMat);
return price*erf(d1)-strike*pow(M_E,-rfRate*timeToMat)*erf(d2);
//returns approximation of error function given an upper/lower limit, zIn
double Option::erf(double zIn){
double z=(zIn<0.0)?-zIn:zIn; //take abs value of zIN
double t=(1.0/(1.0+z/2.0));
double power=
return 1.0-t*pow(M_E, power)*((zIn<0.0)?-1:1);//multiply erfResult with -1 if zIn is negative
class Account{
/**** Constructors/Destructors ****/
Account(string name);
/**** Methods ****/
void addOption(Option *option); //add an option to this account
string printStatement() const; //print all the option data, put/get prices in this account
/**** Getter/setters ****/
string getName() const;
void setName(string name);
string name;
Option *options[];
unsigned int numOfOptions;
string Account::getName() const
return name;
void Account::setName(string name)
this->name = name;
string Account::printStatement() const
string line="---------------------------------------------------------------------------";
stringstream ss (stringstream::in | stringstream::out);
ss<<"Name: "+name+"\n";
if (numOfOptions<=0) ss<<"no option records";
for(unsigned int i=0;i<numOfOptions;i++){
return ss.str();
Account::Account(string name="unnamed")
this->numOfOptions=0;//number of options in this account is zero
this->name=name;//name of the account
for(unsigned int i=0;i<numOfOptions;i++){//go through each option in the array and call their destructors
delete options[i];
void Account::addOption(Option* option)
class System{
void start()const;
void exit() const;
void showMainMenu(); //add/edit accounts, print account statements, save accounts
void showAccountMenu(); //add/edit options, go back to main Menu
void retreiveAccounts() const; //un-serializes accounts into memory
void saveAccounts() const;//serializes accounts into file
int genMenuForUserSelection(vector<string> menuOptions) const;//takes menuoptions and generates a menu, returns user's selection
vector<Account> accounts;
int System::genMenuForUserSelection(vector<string> menuOptions) const{
string errorMessage="";
while (true){
int input=0;
string line="---------------------------------------------------------------------------";
for(unsigned int i=0;i<menuOptions.size();i++){
cout<<i<<") "<<menuOptions[i]<<endl;
cout<<errorMessage<<"please make a selection from (0 to "<<menuOptions.size()<<")"<<endl;
if(cin){//check if cin failed
if(input<menuOptions.size() && input>=0){ //check if the input is valid menu selection
return input;
errorMessage="Invalid selection, ";
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<int>::max(), '\n');
int main(){
System s;
vector<string> menuOptions;
menuOptions.push_back("selection 1");
menuOptions.push_back("selection 2");
menuOptions.push_back("selection 3");
Account main;
string name = "msc";
Option a = Option(name,1.1,1.1,1.1,1.1,1.1);
Option b = Option(name,1.1,1.1,1.1,1.1,1.1);
return 0;
Find the distribution of data points using method of moments
For my third object oriented programming module, we were given multiple sets of data and told to find the probability distributions that best fits them.
Then I chose to use the method of moments, but given the knowledge I have now, maybe maximum likelihood would have fared better.
The candidate distributions are:
The code here:
/***************Assignment 2 OOP1, author: Chee Tji Hun***********/
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <math.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
/***************Input/output methods***********/
//return parameters as string in terms of a,b,c
string showParams(vector<double> params){
char paramName = 'a';
string returnString;
//print in order of a,b,c stop when params size met
for(unsigned int i=0;i<params.size();i++){
string s_ParamName(1,char(paramName+i));
stringstream s;
returnString+=" "+s_ParamName+"="+s.str()+",";
return returnString;
//read the input files and returns the data points
void readInputFiles(vector<double> &datapoints, string filename){
//set vector elements to 0
for(unsigned int i=0; i<datapoints.size(); i++){datapoints[i]=0;}
double temp=0;
int index = 0;
ifstream in(filename.c_str());
//read double into the vector, find its bin and increment bin count
index = int(temp);
/***************Discriptors of the data points***********/
//return total count of datapoints
double getTotalObs(vector<double> &datapoints){
double totalObs=0;
for(unsigned int i=0;i<datapoints.size();i++){
return totalObs;
//return the mean of the datapoints
double getMean(const vector<double> &datapoints){
double numOfOccurence=0;
double total=0;
for(unsigned int i=0;i<datapoints.size();i++){
total +=(i*datapoints[i]);
return total/numOfOccurence;
//return the variance of the datapoints
double getVariance(const vector<double> &datapoints, double mean){
double numOfOccurence=0;
double total=0;
for(unsigned int i=0;i<datapoints.size();i++){
total +=(i*i*datapoints[i]);
return total/numOfOccurence - pow(mean,2.0);
//return the mode of the datapoints
double getMode(const vector<double> &datapoints){
double biggestBin=-1;
double mode=-1.0;
for(unsigned int i=0;i<datapoints.size();i++){
return mode;
//return the median of the datapoints
double getMedian(const vector<double> &datapoints, double totalObs){
double halfWayPoint = totalObs/2.0;
double median = -1.0;
for(unsigned int i=0;i<datapoints.size();i++){
return median;
/***************Various distributions and their respective a,b,c estimation methods***********/
/***************ALL the parameters are estimated using method of moments***********/
void getUniformParam(double variance, double totalObs, vector<double> ¶m, vector<double> &step){
param[0] = (1.0/sqrt(variance*12)) * totalObs; //param athis is the scaling factor, since not normalized
step[0]=param[0]/10.0;//param a delta increment, initial search granularity
double uniform(double x, const vector<double> ¶m){
double a = param[0];
return a;
void getRayleighParam(double mean, double variance, double totalObs, vector<double> ¶m, vector<double> &step){
double sigma1 = mean*sqrt((2.0/M_PI)); //traditional rayleigh formula contains sigma which can be arrived in two ways, take average
double sigma2= sqrt(variance*(2.0/(4-M_PI)));
double avgSigma = (sigma1+sigma2)/2.0;
param[0] = (1/(avgSigma*avgSigma))*totalObs; //param a, rayleigh formula with scaling factor
param[1] = 2*avgSigma*avgSigma;// param b
step[0]=param[0]/10.0;//param a delta increment, initial search granularity
step[1]=param[1]/10.0;//param b delta increment
double rayleigh(double x, const vector<double> ¶m){
double a = param[0];
double b = param[1];
return a*x*pow(M_E,-(pow(x,2.0)/b));
void getExponentialParam(double mean, double variance, double totalObs, vector<double> ¶m, vector<double> &step){
double lambda1 = 1.0/mean;//traditional Exponential formula contains lambda which can be arrived in two ways, take average
double lambda2 = sqrt(1.0/variance);
double avgLambda = (lambda1+lambda2)/2.0;
param[0] = avgLambda*totalObs; // param a, exponential formula with scaling factor
param[1] = 1.0/avgLambda;// param b
step[0]=param[0]/10.0;//param a delta increment, initial search granularity
step[1]=param[1]/10.0;//param b delta increment
double exponential(double x, const vector<double> ¶m){
double a = param[0];
double b = param[1];
return a*pow(M_E,-x/b);
void getCauchyParam(double mode, double median, double totalObs, vector<double> ¶m, vector<double> &step){
param[0] = (1.0/M_PI)*totalObs; // param a
param[1] = (mode+median)/2;// param b
step[0]=param[0]/10.0;//param a delta increment
step[1]=param[1]/10.0;//param b delta increment
double cauchy(double x, const vector<double> ¶m){
double a = param[0];
double b = param[1];
return a/(1+pow(x-b,2.0));
void getGaussianParam(double mean, double variance, double totalObs, vector<double> ¶m, vector<double> &step){
double stdDev = sqrt(variance);//the famous gaussian,estimated with mean and variance
param[0] = (1.0/(sqrt(2.0*M_PI)*stdDev)) * totalObs; // param a
param[1] = mean;// param b
param[2] = 2*variance;// param c
step[0]=param[0]/10.0;//param a delta increment, initial search granularity
step[1]=param[1]/10.0;//param b delta increment
step[2]=param[2]/10.0;//param c delta increment
double gaussian(double x, const vector<double> ¶m){
double a = param[0];
double b = param[1];
double c = param[2];
return a*pow(M_E,-(pow(x-b,2)/c));
void getLogisticParam(double mean, double variance, double totalObs, vector<double> ¶m, vector<double> &step){
double s = sqrt((3*variance)/pow(M_PI,2.0));//s is derived from the traditional logistic formula
param[0] = (1.0/s)*totalObs; // param a
param[1] = s;// param b
step[0]=param[0]/10.0;//param a delta increment, initial search granularity
step[1]=param[1]/10.0;//param b delta increment
double logistic(double x, const vector<double> ¶m){
double a = param[0];
double b = param[1];
return a*pow(M_E,-x/b)/(pow(1+pow(M_E,-x/b),2));
void getWeibullParam(double mean, double variance, double totalObs, vector<double> ¶m, vector<double> &step){
//found using data plot on excel, data looks like a weibull or rayleigh,
//but rayleigh can never meet goodness of fit criteria because of its constraints
param[0]=18; //param a
param[1]=1.5; //param b
param[2]=400; //param c
step[0]=param[0]/10.0;//param a delta increment, initial search granularity
step[1]=param[1]/10.0;//param b delta increment
step[2]=param[2]/10.0;//param c delta increment
double weibull(double x, const vector<double> ¶m){
double a = param[0];
double b = param[1];
double c = param[2];
double result=a*pow(x, b-1.0)*pow(M_E,-pow(x/c,b));
return result;
/***************calculations and algorithm for finding the min Mean square error***********/
//calculate the mean square error for all datapoints
double meanSquareError(double (*dist)(double,const vector<double>&),const vector<double> &datapoints,vector<double> ¶ms){
double sum = 0.0;
//for each datapoint, run the get mean square error and sum it up, potentially sum could overflow,
//I catch this error in the calling method,
//alternatively we could have implemented a 128 bit struct{double double bool} to contain sum and indicate if it overflows
for(unsigned int i=0; i<datapoints.size(); i++){
double temp = pow((dist(i,params) - datapoints[i]), 2.0);
sum += temp;
return sum;
//get the nearest neighbours of the parameters
void getPaths(vector<vector<double> > &paths, vector<double> params, vector<double> steps){
int numOfParam = params.size();//number of axis
int numOfNeighbours = int(pow(3.0, numOfParam));//num of neighbours inclusive of current location
vector<double> tempSteps = steps;
//for each neighbour
for(int i=0;i<numOfNeighbours;i++){
//compute the its location with regards to each axis
for(int j=0;j<numOfParam; j++){
int base = int(pow(3.0,j));
int baseHigh = int(pow(3.0,j+1));
tempSteps[j] = (((i%baseHigh)/base)-1)*steps[j];//scale it down to (-1,0,1) multiplied by its search granularity
paths[i][j] = params[j]+tempSteps[j];
//optimize the params to find the min mse, return the optimized parameters (params) and the corresponding mean square error (bestMse)
void findBest(double (*distribution)(double,const vector<double>&), const vector<double> &datapoints
, double &bestMse, vector<double> ¶ms, vector<double> steps, int stepDownMax){
vector<vector<double> > paths;//neighbours of current param incl. of itself
paths.resize(int(pow(3.0,double(params.size()))));//num of paths (eg: param = a,b,c paths.size() = 27, param=a,b paths.size()=9)
for(unsigned int i=0;i<paths.size();i++){
paths[i] = vector<double>(params.size(),0.0);
int searchCount=0;
int maxSearch=1000; //do not search for best move more than this count
int stepDownCount = 0;
bool isStopSearch=0; //stop search flag
vector<double> bestMove = params;
bestMse=0; //the lowest mean square error achieved by the best move
int noMoveIndex=(paths.size()-1)/2; //current location index
while (!isStopSearch){
getPaths(paths,params,steps);//find all the neighbours in solution space
//for each path find the mse, store the best move
for(unsigned int i=0;i<paths.size();i++){
double mse=meanSquareError(distribution,datapoints,paths[i]);
if(i==0) bestMse=mse;
else if(mse<bestMse){
bestMove=paths[i]; // this is the best move
bestMse=mse; //this is the best mean square error
//if this current location is the best, then step down and search with increased granularity
for(unsigned int i=0;i<steps.size();i++){ steps[i]/=10;}
params=bestMove; //repeat search with newest best move as the start point
//stop search conditions
if(stepDownCount>=stepDownMax){isStopSearch = 1;}//max granularity reached
if(bestMse<=0.0){isStopSearch = 1;}//best mse overflowed, try some other path
if(searchCount>=maxSearch) {isStopSearch = 1;} //max amount of searches exceeded
int main(){
vector<string> filenames;
vector<double> datapoints, params,steps;
double mseTolerance = 1e5;
//for each data file
for (unsigned int i=0; i< filenames.size(); i++){
string datafile = filenames[i];
readInputFiles(datapoints, datafile);
//get the mean, variance, total observations, mode and median of the data points,
//could have consolidated all the discriptors into one method and thus one for loop
double totalObs = getTotalObs(datapoints); //find number of data points
double mean = getMean(datapoints);//find mean of data points
double variance = getVariance(datapoints, mean);//find variance of data points
double mode = getMode(datapoints);//find mode of data points
double median = getMedian(datapoints, totalObs);//find median of data points
int maxStepDown = 3;//increase granularity of search count
double bestMse;//lowest mean square error for a particular method
double (*distribution)(double, const vector<double>&); //function pointer to various distributions
/*test each distribution from least time consuming to most time consuming; ascending order of params*/
//try uniform distribuion
distribution = uniform;
findBest((*distribution),datapoints,bestMse,params,steps,maxStepDown); //find the best mse
cout<<datafile<<": Uniform distribution with"<<showParams(params)<<" S="<<bestMse<<endl;
//try exponential distribution
distribution = exponential;
getExponentialParam(mean,variance,totalObs, params,steps);
cout<<datafile<<": Exponential distribution with"<<showParams(params)<<" S="<<bestMse<<endl;
//try Rayleigh distribution
distribution = rayleigh;
cout<<datafile<<": Rayleigh distribution with"<<showParams(params)<<" S="<<bestMse<<endl;
//try Logistic distribution
distribution = logistic;
cout<<datafile<<": Logistic distribution with"<<showParams(params)<<" S="<<bestMse<<endl;
//try Cauchy distribution
distribution = cauchy;
cout<<datafile<<": Cauchy distribution with"<<showParams(params)<<" S="<<bestMse<<endl;
//try Gaussian distribution
distribution = gaussian;
cout<<datafile<<": Gaussian distribution with"<<showParams(params)<<" S="<<bestMse<<endl;
//try Weibull distribution
distribution = weibull;
cout<<datafile<<": Weibull distribution with"<<showParams(params)<<" S="<<bestMse<<endl;
//did not find any distribution that fits
cout<<datafile<<": no distribution found :("<<endl;
}//next file
return 0;
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